Capsicum Hair Growth Rinse + Hair Growth Leave In Tonic

Capsicum Hair Growth Rinse + Hair Growth Leave In Tonic
(1) Bottle Boheme’s Hair Growth Tonic
A mixture of essential herbs and oils especially blended together to promote beautiful lustrous shiny healthy hair growth!
Our Secret includes blending organic essential herbs and oils together for an extensive period of time providing all the nutrient and antioxidants needed in our tonic to give your hair the optimal hair growth, moisture, and hydration, needed to speed up your hair growth process and recovery!
Boheme Leave In Hair Growth Tonic Benefits
- Help unblock hair follicle
- Speed up hair growth
- Improve hair strength
- Increase hair growth
- Anti-breakage
- Reduce hair loss by balancing the oil-producing glands in the scalp
- Antifungal properties
- Antibacterial properties
- Improve Blood Circulation
- Stimulate hair growth
- Conditions both the scalp and the individual hair follicles
- Increases follicle growth and depth
- Improves hair texture and reduces hair breakage.
- Relieve itchy dry scalp
Ingredients- Organic Mint, Organic Stinging Nettle, Organic Chamomile, Organic Horsetail,Organic Green Tea, Organic Hair Growth Essential Oil Blend
(1) Bottle Capsicum Hair Growth Rinse
Capsicum Annuum is naturally a very potent stimulant that is good for increasing the activity of blood flow. When placed on the scalp it causes a tingling sensation. That tingling feeling is the cayenne triggering increased blood flow from root to tip of every hair follicle, causing increased hair growth.
Cayenne also naturally has all these vitamins and minerals to help with hair growth!
• Vitamin A regenerates damaged cells.
• Potassium soothes and hydrates scalp.
• Capsaicin helps improve blood circulation.
• Magnesium makes blood vessels stronger.
• Vitamin C increase tolerance to outer exposure.
• Fatty oils that strengthen and protect hair follicles.
• Vitamin B6 activates hair growth, reducing baldness.
• Iron provides cells with the proper amount of oxygen.
• Phylloquinone (K) moisturizes the scalp reducing dryness
Capsicum Annum, Mint, Essential Oil Blend
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